Alljährlich wird in Indien ein barbarisches Ritual mit Kindern veranstaltet: so genanntes „Babywerfen“!
Priester werfen Kleinkinder aus zirka zehn Metern Höhe  (im Alter von vier Monaten bis zu einem Jahr) vom Dach eines Tempels zu Boden. Aufgefangen werden die Babys von einer Decke, gehalten von mehreren Personen. Dieses Ritual soll den Kindern Glück, Gesundheit und Wohlstand bringen.
Kritiker hingegen sprechen davon, dass dieses „Babywerfen“ zu Traumatisierungen bei den Kindern führt. 2011 haben lokale Akivisten das Ritual des „Babywerfens“ gestoppt, doch Anfang April 2012 wurde es wieder durchgeführt.
Nachfolgend der Originalartikel der „Dailymail“ und verschiedene Videos (die meines Wissens von 2009 stammen):
Every year in India organized a barbaric ritual with children: so-called „Baby throw“!
Priest throw babies from about ten meters high (at the age of four months to one year) from the roof of a temple ground. Catch up the baby from a ceiling, held by several people. This ritual is meant to bring happiness to children, health and prosperity.Critics however say that this „Baby throw“ leads to trauma in children. 2011 local Akivisten have stopped the ritual of „throwing a baby“, but in early April 2012 was again performed.

The following is the original article in the „Daily Mail“ and various videos (to my knowledge comes from 2009):

MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories

The barbaric tradition of ritual baby tossing: Priests hurl children 30ft from temple balcony for ‚good luck‘

By Ian Garland

PUBLISHED:16:22 GMT, 8 April 2012 |

Terrified toddlers scream and sob as they’re shaken by men in robes and tossed from a balcony 30ft above the ground.

It’s not the plot of horror film – but an ages-old annual ritual carried in southern India, meant to bring participating infants good luck, health and prosperity.

Hard-to-watch footage of the ceremony, held each year in the state of Karnataka, has horrified children’s rights groups, who have labeled it ‚barbaric‘ and want it banned by the Indian government.

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A scene from a baby throwing ceremony in 2009. Toddlers are annually tossed from the roof of a temple to bring them good luckA scene from a baby throwing ceremony in 2009. Toddlers are annually tossed from the roof of a temple to bring them good luck
A frightened child is hung over the edge of the temple roofA frightened child is hung over the edge of the temple roof
The child is caught safely below by locals brandishing a blanketThe child is caught safely below by locals brandishing a blanket
A scared child sobs after undergoing the ritualA scared child sobs after undergoing the ritual

The practice is believed to date back centuries and takes place across India – involving both Hindus and Muslims.

Video of a ceremony in 2009 shows robed priests shaking frightened babies, before dropping them to the ground below, where locals are waiting with a blanket to catch the traumatised tots.

When the children land safely, the crowd celebrates wildly, passing each infant around before returning them to their mothers.

Local campaigners managed to get the practice banned in 2011, but it returned to Digambeshwara temple in Nagrala village last week – much to the frustration of Lov Verma, from the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

Mr Verma said: ‚I’m absolutely shocked by this. It’s not simply the government’s job. We need to educate all those who take part in this barbaric practice – the temple priests and the community.‘

But participants argue it’s their religious duty to attend the ceremonies.

One temple-goer told the Sunday Times: ‚Our religious beliefs pull many of us to this ceremony every year.‘

Priests prepare to drop a terrified toddler into the temple square belowPriests prepare to drop a terrified toddler into the temple square below

Campaigners managed to get the ritual banned in 2011, but it returned this year

Campaigners managed to get the ritual banned in 2011, but it returned this year



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